Pentagon-shaped Aerobics Dumbbell Pairs Assorted Colors 1Kg-5Kg Pair

Dumbbells are an essential piece of workout equipment, both at home and at the gym.Neoprene dumbbells have a soft, smooth coating with a matte finish. Although the material is smooth, it is not slick and is easy to grip.They are meant to be used for light training in a group exercise or rehabilitation environment. dumbbells are often used for aerobic classes. They are usually available in one pound increments up to 10 pounds. Most neoprene or vinyl dumbbells don't go above 15 pounds. The vinyl or neoprene coating is colored, making these dumbbells more aesthetically pleasing than standard hex dumbbells. The coating provides a protective barrier so vinyl and neoprene dumbbells don't damage the wood floors that are typically found in aerobic.

Was 2000
Offer 1150
Save 850



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