This is a must have security CCTV for every home. This device has built in hotspot, this means that it can work without Wi-Fi, just connect to hotsport directly to monitor . 360 PANORAMIC LENS - Constant 360 surveillance; captures everything in the field of view. REMOTE MONITORING - Wherever you are connected to the internet, remote monitoring is ready for you through your Smart phone or tablets. Powerful mobile application - Enable full control of cameras and puts 3D dewarping experience at your finger tip. MOTION DETECTION & INTELLIGENT ALERT - Alarm will be generated whenever motions are detected and real-time notifications are sent to you. RECORDING - in SD card (not supplied with product) Supports up to 128GB (min 16Gb) Micro SD Card (TF Meomory Card). Two-way Audio Communication - With the built-in speakers and microphone, you can conduct Two-way communication. Fisheye 2.0 Megapixel bulb Cctv camera WiFi 360 Degree Panoramic surveillance security light bulb camera with SD Card Speaker

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